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Make Way for


The Tulane Labor and Employment Law Association is a gathering spot for students, alumni and faculty of the Masters of Jurisprudence Program in Labor and Employment Law (MJ-LEL).  The Capstone course in the MJ-LEL program stewards the site.

Here We Are
Who We Are

We come from every industry imaginable: Healthcare, education, public utilities, the film industry, gaming, software, manufacturing, retail, government (federal, state and local), the military, family businesses and multinational corporations, consulting firms, and more.  We have 20+ years of experience, have a second career after serving in the military, just out of college, and changing into a new area. We are smart, clever, kind, inquisitive people, ready to tackle the field of law.  We are discourse translators, moving between the legal world and employees. TLELA is our space to engage with each other and the larger world on legal issues impacting companies, employers and employees in private companies, non-profits, government, and educational institutions. 

TLELA Blog Highlights

This is our working blog from the Capstone course, the last course in in the MJ-LEL program.  In that course, we  each choose a research topic for our Masters Thesis.  As we do this, we report on what we are working on, our thoughts about the program, and who we are.

What We Do

Student and Alumni Network

TLELA is your place to connect, spend time with friends, and have meaningful discussions related to HR and the law.  We are building the network of the 100s of students and alumni that have come through this program.  All students and alumni are automatically free members.

Keeping Current

Our Capstone MJ-LEL students are charged with helping us all keep current on key topics arising in the Labor and Employment Law sphere with their Legal White papers, writings, and panel presentations. Stay tuned and sign up for notices of new newsletters, events, and other informative media.

Creating Legal Professionals

We are proud of the legal professionals coming our of our MJ-LEL program, and here we celebrate you and support you in your endeavors.  Come blog for us.  Be part of our growth.  We are just beginning...

Summer Immersion Weekend 

Summer Immersion Weekend is our time to celebrate, learn, network, and make new friends.  The weekend is mandatory for our MJ-LEL students at least one time during their two-year program, but many come back year-after-year.  TLELA will be adding a special day of programming for students, alumni, and the larger HR law community.  Come to New Orleans.  This is your home now too.  And of course, we there is always good food, music and plenty of celebration.

Looking for information on the MJ Online Program in Labor and Employment Law?
Click here.


Tulane Law Online Programming

John Giffen Tulane Law School

Weinmann Hall

6329 Freret Street

New Orleans LA 70118


Dr. Saru Matambanadzo

Senior Director of Online Programming


Dr. Elizabeth Townsend Gard

Director of Tulane Labor and Employment Law Association (TLELA) 

Deputy Faculty Director, Masters of Jurisprudence, Labor and Employment Law

Tulane University Law School

© 2022 Tulane University Law School

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